Friday, August 23, 2013


Have you ever had the days where you just stop and realize how great life is?
Today Olivia and I went outside to play in the rain.
We didn't go do anything fancy or important.
we just played.

Some days I feel bad I don't go to work and help bring in money while Josh goes to work and school full time.
Then I remember How amazing my job is.... 

 Never has there been a greater need for righteous mothersmothers who bless their children with a sense of safety, security, and confidence about the future, mothers who teach their children where to find peace and truth and that the power of Jesus Christis always stronger than the power of the adversary. Every time we build the faith or reinforce the nobility of a young woman or man, every time we love or lead anyone even one small step along the path, we are true to our endowment and calling as mothers and in the process we build the kingdom of God. No woman who understands the gospel would ever think that any other work is more important or would ever say, “I am just a mother,” for mothers heal the souls of men.
- Sheri L Dew.

I am So lucky and blessed to be able to stay at home.
I will look back on these days and wish them back.
She will only be little once.... and I will enjoy every minute I can!

Thursday, August 1, 2013

:: 24TH OF JULY ::

This year we got to spend the 24th with Josh's family!
Olivia and I woke up early and drove down without Josh. (He still had to work)
We met up with Grandma, Grandpa, Maeci, the Mathews, and the Turners at the Washington Parade.
After, they had this fun little carnival at the park and we all stayed and played fun games like riding the train, cake walks and panning for gold. 
( you can see the picture of sam... i think she liked the cupcake walk!)
Olivia hung out with Grandma and gave her "fancy kisses".
Of course food and candy is always involved!
After we about melted in this heat that we're not use to anymore, Olivia passed out and took a nap!

We had a BBQ, took pictures of the grandkids, and watched the fireworks on in the back yard!!!
Olivia had so much fun playing with the cousins!
Makes me wish {almost} every day was a holiday!


After staying at Jessica's house for a week, We drove to OH to see my sister BreeAnn!
We got there on the 4th of July and went to some of their friends house and watched them light some of the coolest fireworks!
Olivia was in pure heaven being around so many of her cousins and friends!
Before the show, all of the kids got into swimming suits and played in the water and chased fireflies. (first time seeing one of them on this trip)
The rest of the trip was one big blur of children playing and hanging out with my sisters!
It rained just about everyday we were out there for just a short while.
Olivia would play in it and have so much fun.

Hallie and Annie took such good care of her and dressed her up in so many fun costumes and played endlessly with her on the tramp!
I wished I would have taken more pictures of them playing.
It was so cute and Livi just LOVED it.


One of my favorite things about staying with Chris and Jessica : Chris!
He LOVES to get out and do things. He is the best host :)
Since we were so close to NY there was no way he was gonna let us go home without seeing it.
We booked hotels as we got in the car. No idea what we were gonna do while we were there. 
But we were gonna go!

We stayed at the TRYP right by Time Square and just walked everywhere!
It was crazy walking around there.... there were so many buildings, people, and historic sites you knew about.
But it was so much different than I thought.
Beautiful but not at the same time...  People just trash the place.
We had a blast playing at FAO Schwarz.
Danced and played on the BIG piano.
Ate amazing food.

Olivia LOVES Minni Mouse ( Loves is a huge understatement)
We found at least a dozen of them in time square.
Get a picture with them right!!!!?
We walk up to one and Olivia wants to be held by her.
She talks to her in her strange accent....... ( thats ok i guess, Livi didn't get it wasn't her)
Shrek jumps in as i take the picture.... (cool!)
I take Olivia back and turn to go and Minni Stops me and Holds up her "Tips Please" sign.
I look at it and think " please means optional..... so no thanks. I'll keep my money" and turn to go again.
She stops me and Pulls off her head and says VERY firmly "Money" while holding out her hand (shrek is also holding out his hand....?)
Livi looked so shocked a little Korean lady was in Minnis body!
I tell her to put her head back on and shove $2 in her hand quickly and tell shrek if he wants some he'll have to work it out with her.
What the crap! That was most defiantly  not Disneyland!!!

We had SO much fun. Can't wait until I can go back.


Most of you who know us know we went on a pretty cool trip this Summer!
We flew to Baltimore and stayed with my sister Jessica, in Lancaster PA.
We had  SOOOO much fun.
Lancaster was probably one of my favorite cities we visited.

One of the days, Jessica and Chris let Josh and I go to DC kid free!
It was so nice spending the day with my husband in this beautiful town.

It rained. We bought umbrellas from crazy street guys. Went to museums. 
Missed our kid. Shopped in Georgetown. And ate at Serendipity!
Simply put: AMAZING and crazy FUN.