Saturday, January 24, 2015


I can't even begin to describe how much we have loved having this little guy in our home!!!
Two months have flown bye.
WEIGHT: 11# 9oz 35%
HEIGHT:23" 41%
HEAD:15 1/2  26%

@2 months Owen....

.Is such a smiley baby and is cooing and trying to talk to us!
.Never ever ever cries. On the rare occasion he does, its quite pathetic! 
.In exchange for crying he grunts and gets mad sometimes
.Sleeps about 5-6 hours then off and on until 5 until he won't sleep unless I hold him. ( gahhh i know...)
.Found his thumb and loves to put it in his mouth
.Also scratches his nose up pretty bad trying to get his thumb.
.Definitely a mammas boy!!!!! 
.He is starting to look just like olivia did at this age to me:)
.Loves to lay on his back and kick and squirm to his hearts content.
.He is getting better at nursing. Still will only nurse 4-5 min on each side(very often falls asleep before the 2nd) every 3 hrs.
.He is starting to love to look at bright things or objects around him. Just like livi, he loves the fan!

I took him to his 2 month appointment and got his first set of shots :( he cried and cried for at least 10 min. it broke my heart. I have never heard him cry that long or so hard. I laid him on the table for the Dr. to look at him and he asked me about tummy time and what he was learning. I confessed that I hold him all day and hardly ever put him down :D So the Dr. put him on his tummy and he did his first mini push up! He started squirming and  he laughed and said it looks like he is trying to roll over and that he would at about 4 months. I told him how Olivia did her first push up and rolled over for the first time right there on his table and how funny it would be if Owen did both there too. 
Bam! Owen rolls over! I just started laughing because I couldn't believe that just happened. Lol Owen scared himself by rolling over and got a little upset:)
My children must really like to impress the Dr. :D
He did the push up again at home, so I might have to let him lay down and have tummy time :( I'm just enjoying holding him too much though.

Owen tried the bumbo for the first time and did awesome!

I'm doing great postpartum.
I was back to my pre baby weight 8 days after he was born :)
I got the baby blues, but not near as bad as I did with Olivia.
I was over it all by 3 weeks and only had a few days of tears compared to 2 weeks last time.
Nursing was harder this time around and I seriously considered just giving him formula. Not his fault though, I just had issue after issue until about 7 weeks.

Olivia is still loving on him!
Although sometimes she asks me to go put Owen down and just come play with her or cuddle her.

I can't even remember what it was like to not have him in our family. He is the sweetest baby ever and I am absolutely in love with him!

Friday, January 9, 2015


On January 4 we blessed Owen in Church.
Josh blessed him along with family and it was beautiful.
He looked so cute in his little Knit blessing outfit!
After the blessing, all our family came to our house and we had a big and YUMMY breakfast!
I wish we could have gotten a picture of everyone, or I would have thought to take more pictures, but we had so much family there to support us. It made us feel so loved that everyone would drive all the way and be there by 9AM!

4 Generations!

Thanks to everyone who could make it! We missed those who couldn't!
In the circle:
Grandpa Borrowman
Grandpa Meacham
Great Grandpa Taylor
Kerry Bang
Tyson Borrowman
Chris Orvin
Jerem Meacham
Kyle Mathews
Bishop Adams
Hope I didn't miss anyone!