Sunday, February 23, 2014


Today, Liv came and told me she wanted me to take a picture of her.
She use to hate when I turned my lens toward her.
I guess this is just another sign of her getting older :(

I pulled out a cute blanket for her to taker her picture on.
The rest was up to her.
Hand up by her face and laying down..... where does she come up with this?!

Wednesday, February 19, 2014


This Valentines wasn't that eventfull. Olivia has been potty training so we mostly hung out at home with a little naked girl.
But man! was it one of my favorites :)
This hot guy of mine left Sees chocolates and cute pictures asking us to be his valentines!
He came home early to spend time with us and made pizza with olivia.
We had some yummy meatloaf for dinner and watched one of my new favorite movies, Austenland :)

I sure love my two valentines!

 We built this pretty cool castle for her dolls to live in. She played for hours and hours with it:)
Sometimes.... just sometimes I feel like a good mom!


Olivia and I were walking through walmart when she saw these Minnie Mouse underwear.
Now I had planned on just waiting until she was around 3 to start, but she wanted the panties, so I bought them thinking she would just play with them.
NOPE. She wanted to take off her diaper and go on the potty great grandpa made.
after a full day of her peeing and pooping on the potty with no accidents I thought, "hey! we might actually be doing this!"

I just left her without any bottoms on and I never had to ask if she needed to go.
I would come into the room or turn around and she would be taking herself potty :)
Then next day we put the panties on and she had an accident. Panties off, Perfect.
After she had two accidents and one poop in the panties, She tells me every time and we have gone tree days without any accident.
When we go somewhere I'll go looking for her and find her without her diaper sitting on the big potty. What? Just go on your own? Isn't this supposed to be hard and frustrating?

So basically my child is potty training herself.

We did get her a new Minnie Mouse Potty, The wood one that Great Grandpa made was hurting her bum...
I have heard stories of children reverting or getting sick of going potty, but for now, we'll just enjoy the fact that I don't have to change a stinky diaper!

Friday, February 14, 2014

"Who loves you, Olivia?" "LUKE DOES!"

This girl of mine absolutely loves her cousin Luke right now.
She'll tell me very often how much she loves Luke, and how he is her best friend:)
In the morning she will ask if we are going to "chessa's" house or going to see "yute"
Yesterday, she was very please to find out that Dad had to go down for work and we got to go to Lukes house.

She played all day with him and LOVED every minute of it.

The weather was amazing, so Jessica and I packed up all 4 kids and went on a walk.

*side note: Luke loves to dress up, he was dressed as this lion from 8 a.m. to 7p.m and we even went to target and on the walk with this "MEAN Lion!" :) I can't tell you how many people we passed that would comment to the other.... "did you see that kid!"
Oh man! I laughed a lot at him yesterday!

 This is how the Lion started out. Going strong and super funny to watch riding his trike with his coustume!!!!!
 Got a little tired from riding so fast and crazy so he and to pull his bike instead.
 Gave up completely on the riding or pulling and jumped in the stroller.
we then had to carry the lions bike and push the strollers:)

 Aren't they the cutest of friends!

 "oh hey, Lion!"
We finished the fun night playing on "lions" park in his back yard.
I love watching Liv play with other kids.
She is learning to interact very well and no longer just plays beside them.
This made me Soooo excited for summer to come.

Saturday, February 8, 2014

::: SICKNESS :::

These last two weeks have been something else. Olivia rarely gets anything other than the usual winter cough or once she had a pretty bad fever. So to say the last two weeks were stressful and full of worry is an understatement.  
It started a couple of Sundays ago when she threw up in sacrament meeting:( Don't worry, i noticed what was going on right away and it didn't get on the floor. That's all the info I'll give on that :) she was so sick all that day and for the next 3 days. To add to it it was all coming out the other end just as bad. 
Getting a little worried, I took her into the dr Wednesday and he  said she was fine just a gastrointestinal virus and it should slow down soon. 
Luckily the throwing up stopped but the other problem was just getting. Worse. So I put up with it for a few more days until this showed up



Little circle rash that was just coming on like crazy. As soon as this showed up so did the cough and runny nose, so into instacare we went for the first time. The dr we saw wasn't to worried about it and gave her some steroids to help. They should only last a day or two he said.
So when I woke up two days after going in there and it was 10x worse I called her pediatrician. 
He walked in the room and said "holy cow!" As soon as he saw her! He then had all the nurses and PA's come into see. So sitting there in the office with 7 other people looking at her was crazy :) it was just a reaction to the virus taking over and was not contagious. He got us onto new medications that started to help within minutes. He even called a few days later to check on her:) he is a great dr. 

So after all the pokes she got the last few weeks and all the fun play dates we missed; we headed to centros pizza and got a Nutella pizza!!!! She was the best lunch date!!
Thankfully her skin is all better and the "other" problem is slowly getting better :)