Saturday, April 27, 2013


It has been my goal to teach Olivia how to look at the camera and smile for me.
Right now, I've never tried to do anything so hard as to get this little Girl to even look at the camera.
Today, I think she KINDA grasped the concept. 
I got her to look at me and smile on several different spots and shots!
Who can blame her though.
I wouldn't want to stop and smile for the camera with this awesome weather!


I just had to put this one on here. 
Anytime I give this child fruit snacks "snacks!"
 She will stuff ALL of them in her mouth at once.
It's cute until all the juices start coming out:)


We are LOVING this weather! It has given Olivia and I the chance to find some new and fun things to do:)
One morning the two of us decided to take a walk down to the pond and feed the ducks. 
We packed up some bread and headed down.
The ducks would come right up to her, and when the bread was gone, follow her around everywhere.

We had so much fun we had to include Dad, too.
So the next day when Josh got home at a reasonable hour for the first time in a month or so, we took him down.
Livi loved showing him "her" ducks!

 Her next favorite thing to do. Pick rocks up from the top of the hill and RUN down and throw them in the pond. Her running is still so dang cute because she can still barely control it:)
3 more days until school is done and Josh can play with us like this ALL SUMMER!!!
He is such a hard worker. This was by far the hardest school year so far. Only to have the next few years be even worse. Wish us luck for the rest of them.
For now...... We'll enjoy our summer and the all the time we'll get to see Josh/Dad!

Wednesday, April 10, 2013


This is just to funny not to post.
One of Olivia's favorite things to do is put things down her jammies.
Toys, make-up, dishes, remotes, you name it and I have found it down there:)
These next set of pictures are just awesome.
Take notice of the big bulge down her whole front. 
I found at least 15-20 different things down there :) 
Mom tells her "NO"! duh your putting your finger in the socket Liv.
Olivia gets mad and throws a fit.

 Oop! This was so hard for you to get up with your treasure load.

 I really just "laugh out loud" when I see this.
It made you even more mad that Mom was laughing at you.

Liv, You make my day!

Monday, April 8, 2013


This is one of my two favorite weekends of the year. 
Every time I wait and wait and wait for this man to give his talk. I loved the power in his talks. There are no if's, and's or but's! This time was no different. Every time he ends his talk I just sit there and think " the church is so cool!". His message was awesome "I am not asking you to pretend to the faith you don't have, but I am asking you to be true to the faith you do!" 
I felt one of the most powerful messages of this conference was just to live the gospel. Do it better. Don't just sit idly by and hope your testimony will grow or even remain the same with out work. Obedience to the gospel will bring blessings to my home. How could I not want that for my family!
I am so greatful for these weekends. I am grateful for the Prophet and the Apostles and the way they righteously lead this church. 
Lord, I believe.
(here is the link to my favorite talk.. well one of them!)