Wednesday, February 19, 2014


Olivia and I were walking through walmart when she saw these Minnie Mouse underwear.
Now I had planned on just waiting until she was around 3 to start, but she wanted the panties, so I bought them thinking she would just play with them.
NOPE. She wanted to take off her diaper and go on the potty great grandpa made.
after a full day of her peeing and pooping on the potty with no accidents I thought, "hey! we might actually be doing this!"

I just left her without any bottoms on and I never had to ask if she needed to go.
I would come into the room or turn around and she would be taking herself potty :)
Then next day we put the panties on and she had an accident. Panties off, Perfect.
After she had two accidents and one poop in the panties, She tells me every time and we have gone tree days without any accident.
When we go somewhere I'll go looking for her and find her without her diaper sitting on the big potty. What? Just go on your own? Isn't this supposed to be hard and frustrating?

So basically my child is potty training herself.

We did get her a new Minnie Mouse Potty, The wood one that Great Grandpa made was hurting her bum...
I have heard stories of children reverting or getting sick of going potty, but for now, we'll just enjoy the fact that I don't have to change a stinky diaper!

1 comment:

  1. Wow! Well that is nice for you! :) Roz was pretty good but we definitely had more accidents than you guys. Great job, Livi!
